"The Wealthy Dreamer” is all about the knowledge my dad passed on to me, which I’m now honored to pass on to you!
You don’t mind if I give you a sneak peek, do you?
Let’s get into it.
One of the greatest teachers you’ll ever meet in life gives tough love, but this love is priceless. The teacher’s name is experience. In “The Wealthy Dreamer,” I take you back to the time I made the absolute worst money move of my life. My father, of course, was livid, hurt, confused — he felt all of the emotions you can imagine.
As a Daddy’s Girl, I NEVER wanted to disappoint him, but I also didn’t want to surrender, so I stood firm in my decision and owned it. In rare, never-before-seen footage, my dad surrendered, allowed me to make the mistake and told me to do what I want to do, verbatim. Looking back, this is one way in which he helped me build my net worth. He allowed me to run, fall and get cut because he knew that one day, I’d learn the importance of walking. Even better, he knew that from this mistake, I’d figure out how to apply a bandaid, a skill we need on this bumpy road to success.
Another gem I received from dad focuses on the idea of ownership. Prioritize ownership of not just assets, but time, energy and attention. According to dad, it’s important to own things because when you’re an owner, you dictate the outcome. Never invest your money, time or energy into anything that does not produce a return. Such investments are liabilities, and the return is almost always zero percent or very little.
The development of these two principles single handedly changed the trajectory of my life, and I owe it all to my daddy. It’s still so surreal to see how far I’ve come. In “The Wealthy Dreamer,” you’ll find all my secrets and learn my tips and tricks. Building a seven-figure net worth may seem like such a daunting, exhausting thing to do, but if I did it, you can too. It’s never too late.
Speaking of it never being too late, that’s another gem I received from my dad. I observed how when he didn’t know something, he’d seek knowledge. His age never deterred him. Once I observed him long enough, I emulated him, and I learned that this ‘hunger for knowledge’ mentality comes in handy while on the road to making your dreams a reality. The journey requires a certain level of confidence in your ability to figure things out. A lot of us wish the path was decorated with ‘Turn here!’ and ‘Don’t go down there’ signs, but the reality is, it isn’t. You have to figure things out along the way. You have to self educate. You have to ask questions. You have to Google search, and you have to watch YouTube videos. It’s never too late, and it’s never too hard. You got this!
#ADGNF (A Daddy’s Girl Never Forgets)
Lynn Brishae